GTM Presets

Complete end-to-end integrations
via Google Tag Manager in few clicks

Google Analytics 4

Get all eCommerce events to GA4 for advanced web traffic analysisRead Documentation

Google Ads Enhanced Conversion

Get purchase event to optimize Google Ads campaignsRead Documentation

Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing

Build remarketing audiences to precisely target Google Ads campaignsRead Documentation

Facebook/Meta Pixel

Get more eCommerce events to optimize Facebook Ads campaigns.Read Documentation


Get more eCommerce events to optimize Pinterest campaigns


Get more eCommerce events to optimize TikTok campaigns.

Microsoft UET

Get more eCommerce events to optimize Microsoft UET campaigns.

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What is GTM Preset?

GTM Preset is technically a JSON file that can be imported into Google Tag Manager Workspace using native Import/Export feature of GTM panel.

Can I use all presets at the same time?

You can integrate with any number of services, just install multiple presets one by one into the same GTM workspace