Premium GTM PrestaShop Integration

Increase Data Quality and Unify Events Tracking Across all Channels with Premium Google Tag Manager Integration.




Ensure high-quality data for best conversion tracking optimisations across all channels

Prevent duplicates and conflicts between tracking plugins with standard DataLayer

Invest in future-proof tracking setup, that's easy to replicate, move to other platforms and extend

Be ready for advanced setups using server-side GTM tagging & tracking

“Used the GTM plugin from tag concierge. The plugin is amazingly simple for experts and if you've never set up GTM, then this is also easy and you'll learn a lot if you follow the step by step documentation.

The support is evening amazing. I wanted to have a feature added and be able to track a little more data in the Facebook Pixel, they adjusted their template for this and sent me an update within hours.”


Tracking too complex?

Every new tracking plugin can introduce risks of duplicates or conflicts

Quality of tracking can vary a lot between tools making troubleshooting too difficult

Track Once Send Everywhere

Complete eCommerce events and data tracked in GA4 standard

Fuel Analytics, Advertising and Personalisation platforms with the same high-quality data to maximise ROI

Packaged GTM Presets

Packaged GTM Presets

Packaged GTM Presets

Connect 7 most popular Marketing tools with preconfigured GTM packages

Get live within minutes with end-to-end integrations with complete events and data coverage without creating everything manually

Full Events Coverage & Compatibility

Full Events Coverage & Compatibility

Full Events Coverage & Compatibility

Top compatibility with most popular WooCommerce Themes and Extensions

Complete coverage of sales funnel giving precise insights

Consent Mode v2

Consent Mode v2

Consent Mode v2

Native compatibility with Google Consent Mode v2

Use any CMP on the market

Full Control in Tag Manager

Full Control in Tag Manager

Full Control in Tag Manager

Leverage all GTM functionalities to tailor your tracking setup my adding more precise Triggers, Additional tags and Variables.

No vendor lock-in, use any GTM compatible tooling

Benefit from vast learning materials around Google Tag Manager




Unified tracking for 2 eCommerce events

3 Basic GTM Presets

Community Support

Consent Mode v2 ready

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/ year

Unified and complete tracking for 12 eCommerce events

7 Advanced GTM Presets

Purchase deduplication

1 year of support and updates

Buy Now


Can I use it together with direct integrations?

Is it compatible with other tools like Facebook Pixel?

Can I use it together with other GTM plugins?

Can I use Consent Management Platform?

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